Friday, November 27, 2015

Economic Boycott – Social Media has a new Tool

Snapdeal  is facing flak on Social Media these days after a controversial  remark made by  its brand ambassador Aamir Khan on growing intolerance in India. Mr. Khan said that his family contemplated leaving  India. And the unlikely victim of this whole saga  has been Snapdeal. The  e-commerce giant is bearing the brunt of people’s  anger in the form of App wapsi  & ratings downgrade. People vented their anger by  boycotting Snapdeal ,deleting its app & writing unfavourable reviews leading to its downgrade on Google Play Store. Here is a tweet by Suresh Nakhua 

Hashtags like #BootOutSnapdeal  & #Appwapsi  became the top  trends on twitter. The message was loud & clear - Hit the ecosystem where it hurts the most.
And certainly it hurt them as many ‘Thought Liberals’ jumped in to placate the common man hurt by Aamir Khan’s remark. Some tried to douse the fire by trying to delink Snapdeal from Khan’s comment. As Snapdeal started facing consumer backlash, many even questioned the legitimacy of this protest. Quite  evident from this tweet by Bdutt 

 Soon they were shown the mirror by being reminded about the Gandhian philosophy of “Non-cooperation” & economic boycott as a legitimate & democratic way of protest.
In the process, tweeples also exposed the hypocrisy of such “thought liberals”. 
Check these tweets by reviewero DavidBCohen1 NalinSKohli doctoratlarge .

So has Social Media got a new tool to fight against biased MSM & 'thought liberals' ? 
Much to the disappointment of many people, the answer is Yes.The Social Media is certainly responsible for amplifying the backlash which Snapdeal is facing.And it was only possible due to breathtaking power & speed of Social media because today everyone with a cellphone is essentially a reporter. 
So is it Good or Bad ? 
Well in my opinion it depends on the cause for which it is used.
According to an article by Wharton : " Social media outrage, it seems, is a beast with the fangs of a rattlesnake, and the attention span of a gnat."

Well Social Media is here to shape the socio-political envirnoment & this outrage is completely justified.