Sunday, September 25, 2011

Shopping Spree – local action, global reaction !!

Last week my friend Mr. Atul  was on a shopping spree ahead of his visit to his hometown. I don’t know whether  the word ‘spree’ is the right fit or not , but the way he was buying things ,even when they were not needed ,it was not less than a blitzkrieg. 
On our way back , I asked the reason for this indulgence & he very candidly replied :
 “Dude, I have got the Visa power !  “, referring to his credit card as if he is blessed with Divine power.  
So my next question was, “Who is going to pay for the ‘powerful’ bill for using this so called visa power ?“. .Pat came the reply with a rider “ Me,but only if I’ll have the money to pay .” 
“ Its people like you who are responsible for the big mess in which world economy has been pushed today .” I told him. 
“ Yaar, now  what this has to do with the world economic problem. How suddenly you have brought  world economy into this ?  I am totally confused . ” he said. 
Seeing his spending habits , I couldn’t resist the temptation to relate it the current world economic problem which has forced many European economies are on the verge of bankruptcy. 
Although my friend does not fall under the NINJA ( for beginners , NINJA is a description of type of loan or credit given to people in US with No Income No job No assets  which created turmoil that threatened  some of the biggest financial institutions of the world ) category but such type of  spending  habits have  surely  created deep fissures in the global economy.
For an individual it might be an easy & best  thing to do what we call as ‘credit default’  but in an integrated economy & in an integrated world ,what is best for an individual or institution is not always best for the system.  And the fault lines which have resulted in the present economic crisis are very systemic & each individual or institution has acted as a tectonic force which led to these fissures in the world economy.  
A wider cast of character shares responsibility for the crisis : it includes regulators, policy makers , people like Atul  & me. It’s a collective effort which is all set to take the World’s economy to the brink of disaster.  The danger of Greek default is looming large & if this happens , a chain reaction will start which is sure to engulf the other European economies like Italy,France ,Germany etc.  The picture of US economy is also not that rosy as its total debt is 96% of its GDP  & the sheer size of this debt can send shivers down the spine of even the most optimistic economist hoping for the global economic recovery.
Tough time calls for tough measures & hopefully US will rise to the occasion & take measures to check the turbulence and widespread fiscal strain threatening the global economy.


  1. Ankit Dubey - Vivek your use of language is commendable. overall blog is very well written. still the flow lacks causality "personal spending to economy slowdown". the facts presented by you need light and deliberation one by one. All the more good going ...ATB for future commentaries

  2. Bakar..... Atul's not an aggressor... he is a victim of the credit system created by the leading Banks to sustain their monopoly..
    World rotates on credit.. its the backbone of preferential barter trade created in the yester years which has morphed locally to globally

    amazingly wirtten when viewed back to front.

    Front to back... well ... the means shall have to justify the ends :)..

    Atul keep spending till the bubble lasts... :)..

  3. @anonymous
    credit system never asks u to spend money which u don't have to buy things which u don't need. this wrong interpretation has forced the world economy into this mayhem.

  4. On the contrary thats the unsaid sermon the credit systems' preaching..... why issue credit cards/loans.....why the delusion of liquidity... It's the greed not the need thats killed the cat..
    Job of Satan is to Lure... whether or not you want to get caught is up to u..

    Short term returns, short product life, technology getting rapidly outdated is not a coincidence...

  5. On the contrary that's the very thing credits system demand from us to sustain itself.

    Why the incessantly coaxing credit cards calls throughout the day.. Why the loans ...why the delusions of liquidity..
    The motive is implicit in the assiduous efforts to sell the credit.

    To dive deep into the loop or to stay away is ones own decision,
    But the devil does his (devils always masculine :) ) best to survive on the Greed of the sinner.
